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Anja Nguyen
Apr 3, 20213 min read
Connecting Food. Connecting Trust.
How it began: Lack of food transparency In 2018, a survey carried out by The Center of Food Integrity (CFI) showed that only 33% of the...

Vivian Leung
Jan 11, 20216 min read
Finally! An insect protein that doesn’t taste like insects
I still remember when the first insect products came to Finland. The Finnish Food Authority had just approved growing insects and selling...

Paolo Borella
Dec 14, 20201 min read
The FAN Night Before Christmas
Welcome to a merry event to discuss about foodtech innovation, food business & sustainability and how to have a Healthy COVID Christmas....

Vivian Leung
Oct 14, 20205 min read
EIT FAN Demo Day 2020!
First Meetings, Final Pitches, but certainly not Final Farewells It was an emotional moment last week as the startups, mentors, partners,...

Vivian Leung
Sep 27, 20202 min read
You’re Invited to EIT FAN Helsinki’s Demo Day
It has been an intense 4 months for the 10 startups chosen to join EIT FAN Helsinki 2020, but now the day is finally here. That’s right,...

Vivian Leung
Sep 8, 20205 min read
The Labeling Revolution
How Innoscentia plans to make those old expiry dates a thing of the past Expiration dates (aka - “Best before” dates or “Use by” dates)....

Vivian Leung
Sep 1, 20206 min read
Following Your Gut
Stand aside salt, sugar, and spice, there is a new player in town, and thy name is bacteria. Carme Plumed-Ferrer is on a mission to...

Vivian Leung
Aug 26, 20203 min read
Entoprot makes insect protein production economically feasible
Author: Antti Vasala Insect Rearing Technology Insects are a noteworthy sustainable source of animal protein for food and animal feed....

Vivian Leung
Aug 19, 20205 min read
Dropping The Dichotomy
How Mycorena Is Redefining Protein Author: Anton Johansson Dichotomization. Try saying that out loud ten times. Dichotomization might not...

Johan Wendt
Aug 11, 20202 min read
IRRIOT - the future of irrigation begins now!
Author: Johan Wendt With a (fastly growing) global population of 7.7 billion people the global food system will need to produce more food...

Vivian Leung
Aug 4, 20205 min read
Frozen is the new Fresh
Andrey Pechurin and his team are revolutionizing the way we freeze food It has been centuries since the northern tribes invented shock...

Vivian Leung
Jul 21, 20204 min read
The coming together of 2 worlds
How CEO Janne Asikainen has combined his technical and creative skills to create a truly innovative food packaging solution “You’re an...
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