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Why Join?

Naturally, every player in the hackathon will get the opportunity to be apart
of a growing community of thinkers and doers.
Of course, there are some more specific individual benefits too:

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Individual Hackers

  • Chance to learn more about the Finnish Food+Tech industry

  • Learn more about startup culture

  • Make an impact to the food industry

  • Form a new startup or join a current one


  • Learn more about the Finnish FoodTech industry and startup culture

  • Learn how to plan an online event (absolutely essential in Corona times)

  • Be a part of an awesome team!

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  • Continue developing their concept

  • Give them a "boost" or "push"

  • Access resources easily e.g. - mentors

  • Re-validate concept, acquire new skills and tools to help you better develop your business

  • Covid-19 is a business opportunity

  • recruit high quality team members

  • Great way for international startups to start their entry into the Finnish market



  • Opportunity to give back to the community, network, and enhance your personal brand

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  • Marketing and Branding

  • Generally cheaper than physical events

  • Safer to online physical hackathons

  • Super easy global reach and a fairly captive audience (We have people checking in to our events from Australia and New Zealand)

  • Global exposure (online events easily get more international participants and visibility than F2F events



Thanks for submitting!

© 2021 by FoodTechies Finland 

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