booking a mentor
Check the list of mentors on our website
Go to the "Book a mentor" table in the Lobby on the Remo Platform and reserve a time with our Staff
If you have technical issues with Remo, you can message Bambi#2615 via Discord (please expect a delayed response)*
Go to your assigned Room in the Hacker Space and your Mentor will meet you there at the arranged time
*Note: Please come see us at the Help Desk in the Remo Lobby, or message one of our @Moderators or @Staff on Discord if you are having technical issues with Remo. It if your issues cannot be resolved we can try and arrange using another platform, but there is no guarantee the mentor will be available to meet you there
Even though these super awesome hackers are busy participating in the hackathon, they still want to help their fellow hackers out. We aren't managing their schedules, so feel free to reach out to them directly via Discord or find them on Remo. Please note that not all of the hackers offering expertise are listed on here. To find more, please go on to discord and find more of these people by checking or tagging the @Offering Expertise role